Commentary by Chris Pressey =========================== This work is distributed under a CC-BY-ND-4.0 license, with the following explicit exception: the ratings may be freely used for any purpose with no limitations. miniKanren ---------- ### The Reasoned Schemer * rating: 1 It is written in "programed" style, and tries to have a playful attitude and makes gratuitous references to eating. But it is easier to follow than the "standard" miniKanren tutorial, which is just brutally opaque IMO. ### Relational Processing for Fun and Diversity * rating: 1 . ### clojure - conda, condi, conde, condu - Stack Overflow * rating: 1 . ### clojure - Understanding Mini-Kanren\'s Execution Model - Stack Overflow * rating: 1 . ### ashton314/muKanren_reading: [Mirror] A close reading of the μKanren paper. * rating: 1 . ### iambrj/metaKanren: Relational interpreter for miniKanren, in miniKanren. * rating: 1 .